Prof. Dr. Katharina Hombach
Telefon: | +49 (69) 798-34884 |
E-Mail: | |
Raum: | RuW 3.234 |
Sprechstunde: | Nach Vereinbarung Anmeldung über das Sekretariat |
- Seit 10/2022: Professor of Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance, Goethe University Frankfurt
- 2020-2022: Professor of Accounting and Corporate Governance, Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
- 2017-2020: Assistant Professor of Accounting, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- 2017: Dr. rer. pol., WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
- 2011: M.Sc., London School of Economics & Political Science
- 2010: B.Sc., Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- Determinants and consequences of corporate transparency
- Disclosure regulation
- Targeted transparency
- Accounting and Business Research
- Accounting Review
- British Accounting Review
- European Accounting Review
- Journal of Accounting Research
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Journal of Business Economics
- Review of Managerial Science
- Schmalenbach Business Review
- Conferences: Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (2020, 2022); FARS (2022); Hawaii Accounting Research conference (2017); VHB Annual Conference (2017, 2021)
- Standards für die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung im Vergleich: Erkenntnisse aus dem Sustainability Reporting Navigator zur Vergleichbarkeit von ESRS, IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards und GRI-Standards, Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, 2023(13): 735-745, with Thorsten Sellhorn (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich), Maximilian A. Müller (University of Cologne) and Victor Wagner (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich).
- Gap-Assessment zur Klimaberichterstattung am deutschen Kapitalmarkt, Der Betrieb, 2023(9): 465-472, with Thorsten Sellhorn (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich), Charlotte Donau (University of Cologne), Inga Elise Meringdal (Goethe University Frankfurt), Maximilian A. Müller (University of Cologne) and Victor Wagner (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich).
- Verpflichtende Erstanwendung der EU-Taxonomie – Eine empirische Analyse aller betroffenen deutschen Nicht-Finanzunternehmen (Teil 1), Zeitschrift für internationale Rechnungslegung, 2023(7/8): 329-335, with Inga Elise Meringdal (Goethe University Frankfurt), Matthias Nienaber (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Martin Nienhaus (Ruhr-University Bochum).
- Verpflichtende Erstanwendung der EU-Taxonomie – Eine empirische Analyse aller betroffenen deutschen Nicht-Finanzunternehmen (Teil 2), Zeitschrift für internationale Rechnungslegung, 2023(9): 387-390, with Inga Elise Meringdal (Goethe University Frankfurt), Matthias Nienaber (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Martin Nienhaus (Ruhr-University Bochum).
- Does Every Accounting Issue Need a Solution? Accounting and Business Research (accepted for publication), with Thorsten Sellhorn (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich).
- When You Talk, I Remain Silent: Spillover Effects of Peers’ Mandatory Disclosures on Firms’ Voluntary Disclosures. The Accounting Review (forthcoming), with Matthias Breuer (Columbia University) and Maximilian A. Müller (University of Cologne).
- ESG: Regelwerke im Zusammenspiel, Zeitschrift für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht, 2021(1): 6-14, with Bernd Geier (SRH University Heidelberg). [on ESG regulation]
- Shaping Corporate Actions Through Targeted Transparency Regulation: A Framework and Review of Extant Evidence, Schmalenbach Business Review, 2019(2): 137–168, with Thorsten Sellhorn (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich).
- How Does Financial Reporting Regulation Affect Firms' Banking?, Review of Financial Studies, 2018(31): 1265–1297, with Matthias Breuer (Columbia University) and Maximilian A. Müller (University of Cologne).
- Finanzanalysen in MiFID II und MAR, Recht der Finanzinstrumente, 2017(7): 108-113, with Bernd Geier (SRH University Heidelberg) and Harm Schütt (University of Tilburg). [on the pricing of research payments under MiFID II]
- Please find my current working papers on SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2426532.
- 2022 (incl. scheduled): U3CM, Madrid (research seminar); LawFin Seminar Series, Frankfurt (research seminar); University of Tübingen (research seminar); TRR Annual Conference (discussion)
- 2021: Singapore Management University (research seminar); Stockholm School of Economics (research seminar); INSEAD (research seminar); 2nd LawFin Workshop, Frankfurt (discussant); German Association of business Economists (GEBA) conference (discussant)
- 2020: TU Munich (research seminar); 6th International Research Forum on Mittelstand, Mannheim
- 2019: 16th Christmas Meeting of the German Economists Abroad, Frankfurt School; Global Issues in Accounting Conference, University of Chicago; 13th LSE/AMBS/LUMS conference, London School of Economics; 42nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Paphos; University of Chicago (research seminar); German Association of business Economists (GEBA) conference (discussant); Swiss Winter Accounting Conference, Adelboden (discussant)
- 2018: IESE, Barcelona (research seminar); European Accounting Symposium for Young Scholars, Milan; Emerging Scholars in Accounting Conference, Frankfurt (discussant); Workshop in Accounting, Auditing, and Analysis, Munich (discussant)