Dr. Julia Zicke

Zur Person

Frau Dr. Julia Zicke arbeitet nun bei SAP.


Fall 7: Goodwill
Michael Hommel, Denise Pauly-Grundmann, Julia Zicke
in: Michael Hommel, Stefan Rammert: IFRS-Bilanzanalyse case by case, Frankfurt am Main 2012, S. 148-172.

ED/2013/6 "Leases": neue Bestimmungen für Miete, Pacht und Leasing
Michael Hommel, Heike Winter, Julia Zicke
in: Betriebs-Berater, 68. Jg. (2013), S. 1707-1712.

Bilanzierung von Versicherungsverträgen nach ED/2013/7 - Gewinnglättung dominiert fair value
Michael Hommel, David Bielke, Julia Zicke
in: KoR, 13. Jg. (2013), S. 404-412.

Working Papers

Capitalization of R&D Costs and Implications for Earnings Management

Oktober 2014. Available on SSRN

The Discretionary Use of Provisions – Evidence from Germany

mit Sven Czermin, Oktober 2014. Available on SSRN

The Effects of Accounting Standards on Financial Reporting Quality – Evidence from Germany

Oktober 2014. Available on SSRN


The Influence of IFRS on the German Accounting System - The Half-hearted Reforms of the German Accounting Law Modernization Act

mit Prof. Michael Hommel, September 2014.





