Bachelor Thesis
For the application of a bachelor thesis you have to follow the application procedure required by the examination regulation. You can find the information about the procedure and the rule deadlines on the pages of the examination office.
The formal requirements for acadamic works at the Chair for Management Accounting can be found here:
The registration for the bachelor thesis has to be done via the examination office. During the corresponding semester, in which you recieved a bachelor thesis working place via QIS a start of your thesis is possible during the whole semester. For starting your bachelor thesis please send two subject preferences and your preferred start date to Mrs. Uta Halwas-Bruckner professur.rohlfing-bastian[at]econ.uni-frankfurt[dot]de.
These are the following subject areas for the bachelor thesis at the Chair for Accounting, especially Management Accounting:
- Compensation systems
- Budgeting
- Reporting
- Corporate governance
- Information transparency
- Sustainability reporting
- Performance measurement and compensation
After having sent your preferences and your preferred start date your tutor will contact you to determine the subject of your bachelor thesis in a personal meeting. In this appointment the assignment form of the examination office will be filled in with your data, which has to be handed in to the examination office within the deadlines of the examination office. The processing time of 9 weeks begins the follwing day. The bachelor thesis can be written in German or English.
Please note that if you wish to start during the semester break (especially August, September and March), it may not be possible to schedule appointments at short notice due to research visits, scientific conferences or vacation.
Assignment of Places
We have no influence in the assignment of places. This is organized by the examination office via QIS. If the reservation of a place is not possible via QIS then all capacities are booked out. Unfortunately, mentoring beyond these capacities is not possible.