Master thesis
The assignment of master theses is done centrally within the department on two dates in year. These are usually the beginning of March and September.
You should apply by those deadlines if you want to begin with the thesis in the next six months. The beginning date can be freely selected within this semester.
Before each deadline you will find on this page the current application form. On this form you need to specify a preference list of the possible supervisors. The larger your list is, the higher the probability of an assignment.
The completed and signed form as well as a current exam report should be send to the following email address: Accounting[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de.
If you are accepted for a master thesis but do not accept this, your application in the following semester will be considered after the initial applicants.
The leaflet for the preparation of the master thesis can be found on the website of the Examination Office.